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Une organisation non-gouvernementale chrétienne à but non lucratif, au service de DIEU (יהוה) et de l’Humanité

Do not become attached to the world!

© P.A.S. HOPFAN/New York/USA/2010
© P.A.S. HOPFAN/New York/USA/2010

1 John 2:15

In the fire, the rich man did not ask for his soul’s deliverance. He had only one desire: get water to have a drink in the fire! He said: “Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.” (Luke 16:24)

The same way today, many Christians do not want to be delivered. They would prefer to remain in bondage of cigarettes, of sin, and ask GOD to help them to remain in that situation… If we do not repent on earth, we can repeat the same sins in the fire, just like the rich man who did not repent and continued to act as he used to on earth, i.e. to care only about his own and himself.



(Click on the titles below to read the full publication chapter by chapter or fill in the sign up form on your right to receive a PDF version by email)


1. Get out of your physical and spiritual poverty!

The Church should not invest all its efforts to seek material wealth if it does not have spiritual wealth! When one is aware, he or she thinks about his/her soul first, and the rest will follow. Wealth is a good thing because it allows one to afford what one wants on earth. But wealth without GOD is worse than poverty. (Read the full chapter)

2. Think about everybody, whether your brothers, sisters or foreigners!

Selfishness and ethnicism go hand in hand. All of his life, the rich man ignored Lazarus whom he used to see every day; he did not help Lazarus to become rich like him. Lazarus was poor and  contented himself with the rich man’s leftovers. The rich man did not care for him. He committed his first sin by treating Lazarus as a foreigner. (Read the full chapter)

3. Stop complaining!

Lazarus never complained about his suffering, which he accepted to bear. He simply put his life in GOD’s Hands; this confidence in GOD helped him, just like his poverty made him humble. He was not ashamed of his life. He never coveted the life of the rich man; all that he wanted was to get his daily bread. (Read the full chapter)

4. Do not become attached to the world!

5. Listen to the prophets rather than the world!

On earth, though, Lazarus fell short of fulfilling his duty as a Christian by not announcing the Gospel to the rich man. At the same time, the rich man had prophets within earshot. (Read the full chapter)

6. Don’t try to dictate your will to GOD!

Many are Christians who serve Christ like that rich man: they go to church to impose their will on GOD! They say: “GOD, give us a daughter; a daughter who looks like X, Y, Z.” (Read the full chapter)

7. Salvation is accessible to everybody!

By creating man and woman, GOD gave them free will. Salvation is accessible to everybody, but everyone is free to grab it or not. (Read the full chapter)


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