The Three Pillars of Salvation – By Pastor Léonard Gonitoua (May 2014)
“My Brothers and Sisters, the Word of GOD does not lie. Regardless of what common men and wise men say, GOD watches over His Word to fulfill It. Regardless of what your Pastor or your Prophet says, regardless of what you say, the Word of GOD will never change. If you walk according to the Word of GOD, you have life because GOD is the Word.
Today we will analyze what I have called the “Three Pillars of Salvation”.
My Brother, ma Sister, you can have it all: wealth, fame, health, etc. But if you do not have eternal life, you have gained nothing.
JESUS CHRIST said that he who seeks and finds the Kingdom of Heaven, all his/her other needs will be given to him/her. What is of outmost importance to GOD is that you and I be saved.”
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