The Rich Man and Lazarus – From a preaching by Pastor Léonard Gonitoua, Bangui – Central African Republic, 2007
“Brothers and Sisters, in the Book of Luke 16:19-21, the Bible teaches us that Salvation is accessible to everybody, and that everyone is free to take hold of it.
Here is a man who had all material wealth in the world but ignored Lazarus, a poor man covered with sores who contented himself with “what fell from the rich man’s table.”
After the two men died, Lazarus was “carried” by the angels “to Abraham’s side”, while the rich man ended up in hell.
From this very moment, with no way to go back to where he was, Abraham clearly indicated to the rich man who wanted to argue with the Father of faith: “Between us and you, a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot.”
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