On Tuesday, December 24, 2024, the HOPFAN Church (House Of Prayer For All Nations) of Boy-Rabe, in Bangui, gave children from Sunday School the opportunity to serve their Lord JESUS CHRIST during the 7th edition of “My Childhood For CHRIST” Festival, which was organized at the public space, le Jardin du cinquantenaire.
The Sunday School’s children allowed themselves to be used by our ADONAI. Like this 16-year-old teenager orphaned by his father and mother, who invited the Lord to speak through him, to walk with all, and to manifest Himself through His Holy Spirit, in The Name of JESUS CHRIST. So he preached and titled the Message of the Lord as follows: “Can a Mother Forget Her Children?”
Our young preacher based his sermon on the Book of John 10:11: “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (Complete Jewish Study Bible, 1998/2016). He underscored that fathers and mothers should also act this way towards their children. He continued by saying that, unfortunately, there are still parents today who forget about and hate their children.
Let’s follow carefully what our young preacher told us this December 24: “GOD sent me to tell you this: ‘Can a mother forget her children?’ Dear mothers, don’t be like these mother hens who, once their chicks have grown up, chase them away and forget about them! Amen!
GOD Did Not Forget About Us In Our Sins
When Adam and Eve disobeyed GOD, He sewed them garments from the skin of an animal. This is to say that GOD did not forget about them in their sin.
Dear parents, the coming of JESUS CHRIST on Earth meant that GOD did not forget about us in our sins. But there are fathers and mothers who forget about and hate their children! This is not good! Because of you, parents, today, we have children whom we call “street children”! And if you hate your own children, how much more others’ children? This is not good …
After Nine Months of Pregnancy, You Can Still Bear Your Child!
Dear Mum, just like you bore your child for nine months, you can still bear him or her today. Children are the men and women of tomorrow, the pastors and prophets of tomorrow. We, children, who are here today, we are preaching the Word of GOD! But if you forget about your own children, know that you are destroying their lives.
They Are Called “Street Children” Because of You …
If you believe that you can’t take care of your children, forget about them! Every day, you cry saying: “Ah, Lord, I want a child!” But when the Lord has graciously given you a child, you end up hating and forgetting about him or her! Today, they are called “street children”! Street has never given birth to children! But they are called “street children” because of you! This is not good.
Love Your Children!
Know that the parents of all the children you see here have not forgotten about them! That’s GOD’s Grace. Love your children! Cherish your children!
Dear parents, appreciate the Word of GOD. Dear parents, please, love your children. I implore you, love your children. Cherish them. Take care of them. These are GOD’s servants of tomorrow!
Starting from today, I would like you to love your children. Every year, during Christmas celebration, we see children in pubs, dancing to worldly music because of you! Please, take your responsibilities.
Love your children. That’s the Word of GOD. HalleluYAH. »
Let’s Honor The Great I Am
During two days, children and all present in this Festival are invited to listen to the Word of our ELOHIM. Children are invited to participate in several other activities including biblical contests and sports activities. Above all, it is about honoring The Great I Am, as we can see in this video:
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