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“Knowing Life to Live Better”

PASHOPFAN Church service 28 Feb 2021

From February 22 to 28, 2021, the HOPFAN church of Boy-Rabe organized an enlightenment seminar on the theme, “Knowing Life to Live Better” with the Book of Proverbs, chapter 11, verse 19, as a starting biblical reference. What does this verse tell us? This (NIV): “The truly righteous man attains life, but he who pursues evil goes to his death.” Throughout this seminar, our LORD accomplished great things. He delivered some from the demonic chains that was holding them captive, and He granted others the baptism of the Holy Spirit. May all the Glory be His.

One of the main messages delivered during the seminar was about the Love of our Heavenly Father YAHWEH and the Life He gives us, which is a Blessing from Him. GOD never abandons His children. Sometimes, when GOD chastises us, hits us, it is for a given period of time. But if we try to free ourselves before the end of this period, we will not succeed. We must have the right attitude and understand why GOD has chastised us. When we turn away from our sins, when the time comes, when we cry for help, GOD will intervene and deliver us. He will change things in our favor.

No sin goes unpunished, because GOD is Just. In the same way, we chastise our children when they do wrong, so that we can guide them. GOD is our Father and loves us. When we sin, when we forsake His Word, because of His Name and His Love for us, He chastises us. He can do so with disease, wars, anguish, etc. But this does not mean that GOD hates us. He always loves us and He always has His eyes on us! If we understand that it is GOD who chastises us because of our sins, we will not always stay in this situation if we give up sin and turn to GOD. Then, when the time comes, when we cry out to GOD, He will intervene and set us free!

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On the seventh day of the seminar, Sunday, February 28, Pastor Leonard Gonitoua preached on “The Sun”. He emphasized that it is our adversary, the Devil, who makes life bitter. As Hezekiah did in Isaiah 38, when our days are drawing to a close, we can pray to ask GOD to prolong our life.

Elaborating on the theme of the day, “The Sun”, the Pastor explained that the Sun comes from the name “Samson” which means “Sun”. Samson was an instrument that GOD chose to free the people of Israel from the grip of Satan. Samson lived until 1070 before JESUS CHRIST came to earth, and his birth was announced by an Angel (Judges 13:1-25).

In this passage from Judges 13, we see that GOD had decided to deliver the people of Israel into the hands of the Philistines for 40 years, because of their sins. GOD withdrew His support and delivered the Israelites into the hands of the Philistines who mistreated them, crushed them. The people of Israel cried out to GOD continually.

Manoah, Samson’s father, had set up his household at a time when GOD’s wrath was upon Israel, and this played on his wife who became barren. Yet this woman was spiritual. She urged her husband, she preached to him. And her husband was not proud like some men who do not want women to exhort them, to give them advice. Manoah was humble and knew the value of his wife.

So this woman was barren, Israel was suffering and crying, and GOD heard Israel’s prayers. But to free Israel, GOD went to visit this woman. An Angel of GOD appeared to her while she was in the field. And this Angel told her that she would bear a son despite her barrenness. He told her not to drink alcohol and not to eat anything unclean because the child she would give birth to would be consecrated to GOD from the womb. The Angel told her that no razor would pass over the head of this child all the days of his life, and it was this child who would be the answer to Israel’s prayers for deliverance. “Consecrated”, “set apart”. The child, the mother, the father, all three were to be consecrated, set apart to be instruments of GOD for the nation of Israel.

Today, there are families that suffer because witches have risen against the members of these families, death has risen against them, etc. In our countries, there is suffering because there is no justice, no security, no joy. It is true that we have sinned, but GOD will not leave us in this state continuously! GOD must intervene. But for GOD to intervene, He has to find someone who has a good relationship with Him so that He can use that person.

But when you are told today “set yourself apart for the Lord”, you refuse. You prefer to stay in witchcraft, in sin, in slavery instead of asking for deliverance from the LORD! You run after alcohol, cigarettes, any kind of disorder! If you do this, GOD will withdraw …

When the Angel told Manoah’s wife not to drink wine or strong liquor, not to eat anything unclean, to set herself apart, it was difficult. But she did it. But you, you prefer to go and drink alcohol, live in theft, etc. But this woman gave up the pleasures of the world to set herself apart for the LORD, because GOD wanted to free the people of Israel through her and her husband. When you set yourself apart for the LORD, you suffer because the Devil puts pressure on you to fall back into sin.

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The Bible in Psalm 84 states that GOD is a Sun. Why do we work during the day and go home at night? Why do people love the day? If GOD is a Sun, it is because He is Good and Admirable… And the name Samson means “Sun”. Even if some people consider all the children of GOD as “idiots”, “rascals”, there are things that these people do not know about these children of GOD … But GOD knows His children.

If GOD calls you, if He has set you apart, it is because He does not want you to live like anyone else; it is because He wants you to be consecrated to Him. And what does “to be consecrated” mean? It means: to be set aside, to be clean so that GOD acts through you …

And when GOD acts, there is His radiance because He is the Sun. If you consecrate yourself to Him, you give up your sins and Satan will have no more power over you because he has been stripped at the Cross. You have the power to say no to sin. The Power of GOD is with you.

The Angel told Manoah and his wife to be careful, not to drink wine or strong liquor and not to eat anything unclean because the child who would be born would be set apart for the LORD from the womb, for it would be the one who would begin to deliver Israel after the Israelites’ suffering for 40 years. In the same way, GOD can choose you to give birth to a child who will be a deliverer. You belong to GOD. You are set apart. You can’t walk like everyone else because GOD has a plan for you. He wants you to give birth to a Samson, a Sun! A child who will enlighten your family, enlighten your country, enlighten the world! GOD can do it! The Bible says in Psalms 127:4-5 that children are like arrows!

The Angel gave the instructions to Manoah’s wife, because she was a spiritual woman, pure, who was attached to GOD. She explained everything to her husband who prayed to the LORD that the man He had sent would come back and teach them what they should do for the child when he was born. We see in Judges 13 that there was good communication between Manoah and his wife. They talked to each other and shared their experiences. But today, some men don’t even want to listen to their wives’ advice! As a result, even if there are things your wife would like to explain to you, she doesn’t because she thinks it’s unnecessary since you don’t listen to her.

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What was Samson’s mission? GOD said that he was the one who was going to start delivering Israel. Do you want deliverance financially or in any other area? GOD can give you a Samson for that. Manoah’s wife followed the Angel’s instructions and GOD fulfilled His promise. Samson was born.

In Judges 15, we learn that Samson, after defeating the Philistines, retreated to the cave of the rock of Etam, a safe place (verse 8). Just as JESUS CHRIST is the Rock of our lives! The Israelites went to get Samson, the one GOD had chosen to free them … they tied him up and delivered him to the Philistines. The Anointing that Samson received from GOD was not directed against the Israelites but to free the Israelites. This Anointing was intended to attack Israel’s adversaries. That is why Samson allowed himself to be taken when the Israelites tied him up and handed him over to the Philistines. False brothers, false sisters are in the Church, and they are the ones who will deliver you into the hands of your enemies …

When Samson was handed over to the Philistines, the Philistines shouted with joy and started to mock Samson. The Anointing of GOD doesn’t like it when GOD is despised, when GOD is mocked … This is what happened with Samson and David. When Goliath mocked GOD, the Anointing of GOD in David was unleashed and David killed Goliath … Likewise, when the Philistines began to mock Samson, the Bible states that the Spirit of GOD took hold of Samson and the Promise of GOD, the Mission of GOD, was fulfilled: The cords that bound Samson became like flax burned by fire and his bonds fell off. With the jawbone of an ass, Samson killed a thousand men …

Therefore, do not rejoice in the failure of GOD’s children. Do not mock the anointed ones of GOD for GOD is able to shake things up for them. He will act for them … The jaw is there …

JESUS CHRIST gave His children the authority to bind and loose: “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18)

JESUS CHRIST also promised that whatever His children ask in prayer, they will see fulfilled: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)

As Samson was a Sun for Israel, you too, my Brother, my Sister, must be a Sun wherever GOD leads you …

Be blessed in YAHSHUA.

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