After having resisted the LORD for several years, Suzie N. answered GOD’s call in 2003. Thereafter, she was baptized in Bangui, the Central African Republic. In 2006, she joined the Spiritual Awakening Mission church (Mission réveil spirituel, MRS) in Bangui, which was then led by Pastor Léonard Gonitoua, before continuing to serve the LORD with the House Of Prayer For All Nations church (HOPFAN church) of Boy-Rabe, Bangui.
After she received JESUS CHRIST as her LORD and Savior, GOD began to give her specific messages about His plans for her life. One day, she decided to give her whole life to GOD and to serve Him fully, especially through P.A.S. HOPFAN.
She holds a Master degree (Maîtrise) in Information and Communication from Jean-Moulin Lyon III University and an Associate Degree (DEUG) in Applied Foreign Languages (English and Spanish) from Lumière Lyon II University, in Lyon, France. She was also trained in writing skills at New York University and in film-making and film producing (Dov S-S Simens) in New York, USA. She is using her skills to serve the LORD.
Suzie N. has co-authored the poetry book, Le Chemin de la Vie with Pastor Gonitoua (under the name of Léonard G.), President and Co-Founder of P.A.S. HOPFAN, which was published with Xulon Press. A more reduced, English version of the book (The Way Towards Life) is also available and was published with WestBow Press. Suzie N. has also co-authored with Pastor Gonitoua the main titles of the album of Christian songs and poems, Luc 8:50 / Luke 8:50 and the album of Christian poems, Adonai, Deut. 11:24.
She is married and is based in USA.