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A Christian, nonprofit nongovernmental organization in the service of GOD (יהוה) and humankind

Conference of Virtuous Women

Conférence Femme vertueuse - Organisation non gouvernementale P.A.S. M.P.T.N

On Sunday, December 18, 2016, P.A.S. HOPFAN assisted the Spiritual Awakening Mission with the organization of a Conference of Virtuous Women in Bangui (Central African Republic –CAR), at the banquet hall of the National Assembly. The main speaker was Sister Lydie Nzengou Koumat-Guéret, who talked about the Fear and the Promise of GOD. In addition to her message, several biblical groups of women presented biblical sketches on the same topic. The President of P.A.S. HOPFAN, Pastor Léonard Matchide Gonitoua, said a few words of thanks at the end of the conference, which brought about 1,020 people together.

The central theme focused on the necessity to fear GOD for peace, stability and development in CAR, as well as respect for the promises made before GOD; the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, but those who are foolish despise wisdom and discipline.

The following are some examples that one can make before the LORD: some promised before the nations to respect two, non-renewable presidential terms, but at the end of their second term, they find a reason to modify the Constitution. As a result, civil wars and various problems can erupt, causing the death of many innocent people. Yet, the Word of GOD says that when we make a vow to GOD, we should not delay its accomplishment.

Another example can be found in married life: A man commits before GOD to love his wife or a wife to love her husband but after a certain period, the man or the wife changes position. This will lead to GOD’s anger upon their lives.

Moreover, others vow to support the Work of GOD or to help the weak, but down the road they change their minds.

All these people will not go unpunished before the LORD. By acting like that, they enable the enemy to disturb them.

Should that be your case, you have to go back to the LORD who will have mercy on you.


Bible verses in support of this message: Proverbs 1:7; Ecclesiastes 5:4; Malachi 2:14; Judges 11:1-40; 1 Samuel 1:1-18.

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